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July 18, 2020

Welcome to our Safe Space

Hearing Healthcare Practice has long been recognised as a calm and relaxing place to visit – it’s always been a safe space. Over the years we’ve received some lovely comments about how much people enjoy their visits. But now we’ve had to pack away our Objet d’Art to create our post lockdown Safe Space. It looks a little sparse but...

June 25, 2020

Creating A Covid Safe Place

We regularly receive 5 star reviews for our attention to detail and our empathetic service. Today we’re tasked with creating a Covid Safe Space which goes beyond the guidelines without relinquishing what makes our approach special. Today we received this email from our client Nick who works for WHO in Switzerland which is praise indeed. “By the way, thank-you for...

June 9, 2020

Re-opening Update 9/6/20

OUR PHASED HEARING HEALTHCARE RE-OPENING We’re really excited to announce Phase 2 of our re-opening set for Monday 15th June 2020. As a Wellness Centre focused on hearing and communication during Phase 1, we remained open throughout, providing essential critical audiological support. Robert has personally manned the Practice alone with his wife and partner,  Ali, supporting from home answering calls so...

May 16, 2020

16/5/20 News Update – Opening Plans and Telehealth

We’re Making Some Great Changes We’ve decided to drop ‘Covid-19’ from our news update titles as we focus on more positive messages and move towards easing ourselves back to face-to-face appointments and increasing our virtual consultations. It goes without saying that everyone’s safety and good health is our prime concern which is why we have taken a great deal of...

May 8, 2020

Covid – 19 Update – 8/5/2020

Tentative plans for reopening our doors are underway Along with the majority of the country, we retreated behind closed doors on Monday 23rd March. Our team at the Practice hunkered down to their furloughed life at home but all the while the practice has remained open, operating within strict guidelines, staying safe but providing the necessary precious lifeline that hearing...

April 25, 2020

Covid-19 Update 25.4.20 – REGRETS & DESIRES

  Our Regrets are Becoming our Desires to Transform Hearing Healthcare Firstly, we’re sorry, so sorry we can’t see you face to face. Over the last four weeks, we have developed our services to continue to provide help, albeit from a minimum distance of 2 metres.  It felt odd at the beginning but your needs, became our must. Although this new...

April 18, 2020

Covid-19 Update 6 – 18.4.20

We are very busy using the quieter time to work on improving our practice ready in anticipation of reopening our doors fully to welcome you all back. The last month has been a very trying time for everybody and above all, we hope that you are all remaining well and safe. Before Covid-19, many people told us they enjoy their...

April 10, 2020

Covid 19 – Update 5 – EASTER & PASSOVER MESSAGE

Everyone at Hearing Healthcare Practice would like to wish you a safe and peaceful Easter and Passover. It didn’t feel right sending out a personal message any earlier when we know many of you are struggling to come to terms with the devastating situation, we’re all living through. It has taken the last few weeks to process how our everyday...

April 3, 2020

Covid-19 Update 4 – 3.4.20 – still providing support

Despite the Coronavirus lockdown, this week we have provided support and help to grateful clients from far and wide.  The furthest was with a gentleman in Nepal who is coming to the UK and wants to know how to reach the Practice when he is eventually allowed to travel and our freedom of movement has been lifted. Closer to home...

March 23, 2020

Covid-19 Update 3 – although our doors are closed, we remain OPEN

Due to the worsening Covid-19 situation and following professional guidelines, we have made the incredibly difficult decision to temporarily close the Practice for personal visitors. A member of our team will, however, be on-site at the Practice every day – but our reception will be closed. We will fully re-open for face to face consultations as soon as it is...