“A Truly Wonderful Experience”
November 12, 2024

Why Earplugs are Fire* for Gen Z (*cool)

Gen Z Clubber wearing Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection: The Latest Trend for Young Clubbers.

The world is getting noisier… and, as if to prove it, here’s our second article about noise levels in as many weeks.

Originally highlighted in an article in The Times,  “The must-have accessory for young clubbers? Earplugs”, a new trend is emerging among young music lovers: ear protection. Whereas when I was growing up you would hear slogans like “If it’s too loud, you’re too old,”  its seems younger people now understand the risks of excessive noise exposure, seeing ear protection as an essential part of a good night out.

At Hearing Healthcare Practice, we’ve been advocating the use hearing protection and safe listening for over 40 years. It’s always wise to protect your hearing, no matter your age or lifestyle. And we’re delighted to see the growing acceptance of ear protection as both slay (cool) and necessary.

Why Hearing Protection Matters: Statistics and Rising Awareness.

The need for safe listening and hearing protection is more critical than ever. Recent awareness-raising efforts like the 2019 film Sound of Metal, which brought the impacts of tinnitus and hearing loss to public attention, have resonated with Gen Z, one of the most health-conscious generations. Even club scene bible, Mixmag, has introduced Tinnitus Awareness Week to educate readers on hearing health.

In the UK, more than seven million people suffer from tinnitus, with 1.5 million cases being classed as severe. Globally, the World Health Organisation estimates that 1.5 billion people live with hearing loss, a number that could reach 700 million by 2050.

Safe Listening Advice for Concerts and Venues.

Noise levels in music venues and clubs are often dangerously high. A typical nightclub exceeds 100dB, and some live performances reach 125dB, levels that can cause permanent hearing damage in minutes. As awareness grows, many venues now offer ear protection to visitors. For example, Islington Assembly Hall in London provides free foam earplugs to concert-goers to encourage safe listening.

Hearing Protection Beyond Music Venues: Dining Spaces.

Research by SoundPrint, an app that measures noise levels, shows that noise isn’t limited to nightclubs and concert venues. In news that will come as no surprise to many of our readers, over half of London’s restaurants are too loud for comfortable conversations, with some reaching noise levels similar to a lawnmower! The loudest venue recorded by SoundPrint, Shack-Fuyu in London’s Soho, recorded 94dB. With restaurant designs moving toward hard surfaces, open kitchens, and more densely packed tables, noise levels are on the rise.

Reframing Hearing Protection for the Future.

In The Times article, co-founder of Loop Earplugs, Dimitri O, a company that has staked its reputation on making desirable ear plugs, pointed out that while young people are increasingly aware of noise pollution risks, many still believe that ringing ears after a night out is ‘normal’. However, with rising awareness and support from hearing health experts like us, the younger generation is starting to value hearing protection as an essential part of their well-being.

Supporting Your Hearing Health with Us.

At Hearing Healthcare Practice, we’re proud to have advocated and provided hearing protection to our clients, including many musicians, for many decades. We’re delighted to see more people recognise the importance of protecting their hearing, and we’re here to offer guidance on the best ear protection options.

If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.

For further information, you can read the original  Times article HERE.