According to the latest report from consumer advocacy group Which?, customers rated independent hearing aid retailers, like Hearing Healthcare Practice, as the best place to purchase hearing aids, outperforming both the NHS and national hearing aid chains.
The report, which surveyed over 2,000 hearing aid users, found that those who purchased their hearing aids from independent retailers were the most satisfied with the overall service they received. This included the quality of the devices themselves, waiting times, aftercare service, as well as the level of support and guidance provided by staff.
In contrast, customers who purchased their hearing aids through the NHS or national hearing aid chains reported lower levels of satisfaction overall with the service they received. Many cited longer waiting times, limited product options, and a relative lack of personal attention as reasons for their dissatisfaction.
In the introduction to the report, Which summed up its methodology;
“We asked hearing-aid customers about eight key areas of care, including the suitability and comfort of products they were offered, hearing-aid value for money, after-care and facilities at the UK’s biggest hearing-aid retailers. We’ve also calculated an overall customer score for each brand.”
With Independents scoring top in every single category, some of the most notable satisfaction levels reported included:–
Waiting Times:
NHS 77%
High Street Chain 82%
Independent Hearing Aid Suppliers 90%
Comfort of Hearing Aids:
NHS 78%
High Street Chain 78%
Independent Hearing Aid Suppliers 90%
Aftercare Service:
NHS 82%
High Street Chain 83%
Independent Hearing Aid Suppliers 91%
Overall Satisfaction:
NHS 79%
High Street Chain 76%
Independent Hearing Aid Suppliers 84%
At Hearing Healthcare Practice, it’s 98% satisfaction.
Added to this independent study, our own research shows Hearing Healthcare Practice in a league of its own.
In a recent internal market research study carried out amongst our own patients, Hearing Healthcare Practice received an impressive customer satisfaction score of 98%.
This puts the practice at the top of the profession – with independent hearing aid providers revealed by Which? to be the most trusted retailers of hearing technology.
This exceptional satisfaction score is a testament to the extraordinary and award-winning service provided by the team at Hearing Healthcare Practice. With a commitment to providing best practice, personalized and high-quality care, our award-winning practice offers a service that is now demonstrably the best of the best.
The results of the Which market research study reinforce the importance of seeking out a reliable and trustworthy provider when it comes to purchasing hearing aids. With a satisfaction score of 98%, Hearing Healthcare Practice is a clear choice for those looking to find the best possible service, hearing technology and support.
To read the WHICH report in full CLICK HERE – you will however require a Which subscription.