The World Health Organisation has nominated 3rd March as World Hearing Day.
The key messages they are promoting around the world this year are:
• It is possible to have good hearing throughout our lives through ear and hearing care.
• Many common causes of hearing loss can be prevented, including hearing loss caused by exposure to loud sounds.
• ‘Safe listening’ can mitigate the risk of hearing loss associated with recreational sound exposure.
WHO has asked audiologists everywhere to raise awareness and implement evidence-based standards that promote safe listening.
As Hertfordshire’s longest established hearing experts, we’re happy to support this initiative.
Now in our 41st year, our approach at Hearing Healthcare Practice has become internationally renowned by providing near fanatical attention to detail in our clinical processes, wrapped up in a desire to deliver an exemplary client-focused experience.
Today, unfortunately, many hearing care companies simply aim to sell products to customers, rather than to provide a clinical service.
Hearing aids are intricately designed medical devices requiring skill and patience to set up and accurately fine-tune.
Many of our new clients approach us after failing with the hearing aids fitted elsewhere – just one of the reasons why our service is so highly regarded.
If you’re interested to find out more about what makes us different and, perhaps, to become one of the thousands of converts to our approach to hearing healthcare, please get in touch.
It would be our pleasure to help you