Last week we welcomed two new clients to Hearing Healthcare Practice. They both had similar stories to tell, their hearing aids had stopped working and they couldn’t get them repaired. They had both purchased their hearing aids from companies that have recently closed down – their so-called ‘lifetime service packages’ now worthless. They had, understandably, been attracted by cheap prices and seemingly risk-free purchases.
We felt so sad, they had to learn the hard way.
But they are certainly not alone.
It is not by chance Hearing Healthcare Practice has provided a consistent service since 1981, we’re experts in our field, dedicated to our work, and focused entirely on delivering the best possible outcomes for our patients and clients, over months, years, and decades. We understand that providing true hearing healthcare is a marriage of professional skill, time, and yes, hearing technology. But it’s NOT about shifting boxes. This may sound harsh, but we’ve seen so many companies and individuals come and go, selling hearing aids at cheap prices while peddling seemingly attractive offers of ‘ongoing service’ and ‘lifetime guarantees’ as a value-added extra that simply does not stand up to the passage of time in the real world.
That saddens and annoys us, not simply because prospective clients are denied the quality care we could offer but because whenever we can, we are the ones who ‘pick up the pieces’ afterwards – rebuilding the trust and shattered confidence of people who’ve been mis-sold, mislead and mistreated.
Hearing Healthcare Practice is not and will never be the cheapest option in town to buy hearing aids. Our commitment to a continual programme of investment in our services simply means we can’t be, and we don’t want to be either. But our pricing structure, including the fees we charge for our dedicated and ongoing care, are completely transparent and very fair for the award-winning and life-changing service we provide. (As you may know, we operate from a purpose-built, hearing-only, clinic in Harpenden, with a full-time, dedicated, and highly experienced team using the most advanced testing equipment employing gold standard, evidence-based methods in our hearing treatments).
Simply look at our REVIEWS on our site or on Google to judge what our clients think of us but more importantly please, especially if you’re about to make a hearing aid purchase decision based on price, do think again. With us, you may pay a little more (with our guarantees of over 40 years’ of exceptional service), but you certainly won’t end up in the position of our two new clients… paying less but ultimately losing their entire investment with poorly fitted, worthless hearing aids.
Rant over! You get what you pay for!