“A Truly Wonderful Experience”
January 12, 2013

Rett Syndrome

Rett Syndrome is off topic for our blog but a subject that is very close to our heart.

Please read the attached story about Lotta Beiny – our senior partner Robert Beiny’s great niece.

We are committed to inform everyone we meet about the existence of Rett syndrome. We knew nothing about this devastating condition until it personally affected Robert’s family.

More importantly is the syndrome can more than likely be reversed. Research has been able to arrest symptoms and then reverse them in mice. It is believed that the same can happen in humans.

Money is desperately needed to fund the last piece of research so that clinical trials can turn a dream to a reality. This could make a difference to Lotta and her family for life.

If you would like to support this cause please get in contact and we will tell you what you can do or visit reverserett.org.uk direct.
