How are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Twenty-four months ago, we stood at the start of the new decade, full of hope and anticipation. New Year is a special time, but every decade it seems to take on more importance. For some of us, it’s time to take stock, to reinvent ourselves, set goals, make a resolution or two, and pledge to lead a healthier life.
But, as we all know, two years ago our hopes were all dramatically changed as the health of our world took precedence. At Hearing Healthcare Practice our own plans also fell by the wayside as we settled into dealing with a ‘once in a lifetime’ seismic global event. Although the threat is still far from over, talk is fast-moving from pandemic to endemic as we begin to learn to live with the variants of the novel virus.
At Hearing Healthcare Practice, we’ve got so much to be grateful for as we successfully navigated our way through the last couple of years, it seems that only now we can begin to feel excited about the start of the new decade – albeit two years late!
We suspended many plans until things were a little clearer but now we feel confident to implement the improvements and innovations we had been planning to kick-off for the new decade. Our focus has always been on providing the absolute best outcomes for our clients, backed by robust scientific and clinical evidence. These standards have resulted in one of the highest published satisfaction rates in our profession, and a clinical approach that is considered a benchmark of best practice. At the start of this, our 41st year, we will be investing in our practice and our team, rolling out new services so our exceptional service is accessible to even more people.
In the Top 2.5%

As a truly independent and individual practice, we aren’t required to follow any corporate dictates and so we can innovate and spearhead change. The Diffusion of Innovation Theory was published in 1962 by Professor Everett Rogers of Ohio State University. His work classified individuals and organisations by their willingness to adopt new ideas, technologies, or trends. Rogers specified the oft-repeated bell curve above.
Our peers look to Hearing Healthcare Practice to innovate change in independent community-based hearing care: a role we are delighted to take on as it allows us to help shape the future of our profession and the hearing of our clients.
The Tip of an Iceberg

There are so many elements to the management and delivery of a successful treatment plan for our clients which go way further than the mere provision of hearing aid technology. Like so many elements of our work, many of our clients will only see the tip of the iceberg in terms of all the work that’s been done and changes that have been made.
It is our near forensic attention to detail that has allowed Hearing Healthcare Practice to sustain and grow our presence at the forefront of delivering exemplary hearing care over so many decades. And now, we plan to roll out many more changes and improvements to our services over the coming year, so there has never been a better time to get in contact with us.
Our well-being is never too far away from any New Year resolution. Now, with so much compelling research confirming the link between hearing well and well-being — and that ignoring this most important of our senses can have a detrimental and potentially disastrous effect on our physical, social and cognitive health — perhaps it’s time you added hearing to the list of things you plan to take better care of this year? If you’re interested to find out more about what makes us tick and, perhaps, to become one of the thousands of converts to our approach, please get in touch.
We’d be delighted to help you.