Our new Free Online Hearing Test is just one of several hearing test and assessment options available from the Hearing Healthcare Practice.
Our new Free Online Hearing Test is available HERE (click). It’s a simple automated evaluation but it could help you to understand your hearing and, possibly, suggest if need for a more in-depth assessment. The hearing test is free, it takes around 5 minutes and the results are immediate.
Secondly, our In-Office Screening assessment is more sophisticated; you’ll benefit from a face-to-face consultation with one of our qualified audiologists so you can ask us questions. Our special sound file system also allows you to judge how your enjoyment of conversation across the table in a restaurant, appreciating music or hearing a whisper might all be improved. As opposed to our free online hearing test, this in-office appointment takes place at the Hearing Healthcare Practice in Harpenden, Herts, and takes around 30 minutes with a charge of £25. For more information or to book your In-Office Screening please call us on 01582 767218 or EMAIL US.
Finally, our full Hearing, Listening and Communication Abilities Assessment is a in depth clinical investigation carried out at the Practice in our purpose built listening suites and bespoke soundproof booth. Your appointment will be with one of our experienced, qualified audiologists and will take around two hours, including an interview, in depth testing, full explanation and written report. The charge for this full assessment is £195 – £285 and full details can be found HERE (click).
Regular hearing tests are essential to keep track of your hearing health so, even if you don’t feel you have difficultly hearing at present, we do advise you to take our 5 minute free online hearing test HERE.