“A Truly Wonderful Experience”
May 16, 2020

16/5/20 News Update – Opening Plans and Telehealth

We’re Making Some Great Changes

We’ve decided to drop ‘Covid-19’ from our news update titles as we focus on more positive messages and move towards easing ourselves back to face-to-face appointments and increasing our virtual consultations.

It goes without saying that everyone’s safety and good health is our prime concern which is why we have taken a great deal of time to make sure we review all the available scientific data as well as the professional and governmental guidelines involving our service. But we didn’t stop there. To be absolutely sure we’re offering the best possible solution for our ‘new normal’, we’ve been in contact with colleagues around the world to learn about the measures being introduced in their clinics after consulting their own local and national guidance.

In the Real World

Initially, our plan is to only to open our doors for carefully selected appointments. One client will be allowed on the premises at a time, so you won’t have to worry about meeting others and keeping your distance. Your appointment will be carried out at a distance of 2 metres and we have structured most of our work to be able to deliver hearing care this way. A few things will require us to work closer to you, such as looking in an ear, taking aural impressions or micro-suction and we will have very strict measures in place during these times which we’ll follow and ask you to observe.

In the Virtual World – Covid 19, Telehealth and Hearing

Some of our clients and patients will still need to remain shielded or will be unable to visit us easily and some don’t feel they want to be venturing outside the home at the moment. Others have put their hearing treatment on hold but are keen to seek help as soon as possible as they have experienced the impact an untreated hearing issue can have, with increased social isolation leading to heightened anxiety and depression. The current climate of social distancing not only exacerbates communication challenges but also risks accelerating the known psychological effects of an untreated hearing issue.

The idea, in these cases, is to minimize time spent in the Practice and to move everything online and to the ‘virtual’ space. We have been developing ways this can be done so our ‘remote consultations’  will feel as close to an ‘in-person/in clinic’ experience as we can.

Our Remote Care service and Telehealth have already been well received. The only requirements are you have to have a compatible Smartphone (iPhone or Android) or iPad, have good Wi-Fi or good 4G coverage and are able to use Facetime, Skype, Zoom, Teams, or other similar video streaming systems. If you can, we may be able to deliver some degree of help to you right now.

If you’ve been seen within the last 2 years at our Practice and we have your test results on file we may be able to help you now. We are already carrying out routine hearing adjustments online, some simple testing, and troubleshooting and we’re also trailing some simple hearing testing too.

Working virtually is a new world for us but, so far, the results have been very encouraging

… and the in-between World too…

To talk to you through a screen and remotely may be an efficient way of supporting you today, but it can’t replace our gold standard approach of seeing you in person, discussing your treatment in depth and carrying out real ear measurements with you, but it’s what we can do to help you today backed by the expertise we are known for. We will still want you to attend appointments as soon as you are able, so we can consolidate the treatments we’ve provided you virtually.

Look out for the next update in a week’s time when we hope to let you know the date we’ll be available for a visit. If you’re keen to be one of the first through the door, we have already started an ‘essential visit waiting list’. If you’d like to be added, drop us an email.

Finally, it goes without, saying, stay safe.

With our best wishes.

Hearing Healthcare Practice

Hertfordshire’s Hearing Wellness Clinic