“A Truly Wonderful Experience”
April 26, 2023

A Laughing Matter

We noticed an interesting article in The Guardian about comedian, Angela Barnes, in which she talks about being funny, being deaf (wearing hearing aids), and her diagnosis of ADHD. And that such seeming disabilities have been no barrier to her success.

The opposite in fact.

In the article Angela says;

“… but the sanguine standup does engage with another novel complaint: that she’s too loud.

“I get that a lot, as people don’t realise that I’m deaf and can’t necessarily regulate the volume of my voice,” explains the comic, now sitting quietly in the corner of a big Brighton pub. “Sometimes they’ll say ‘Oh shit, sorry, I didn’t realise’ – and it’s not their fault, they wouldn’t know. But sometimes they double down: ‘That’s no excuse!’ Which really makes me laugh.”

You can read the whole article in The Guardian HERE