June 14, 2024

18 million now experience Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss in the UK

At Hearing Healthcare Practice we weren’t wholly surprised to learn about new figures reported by the RNID, which suggest a far larger number of people in the UK are experiencing hearing loss than was previously believed.

For several years, RNID has highlighted that there are 12 million people in the UK who are deaf, have hearing loss, or tinnitus. Now they have changed his figure to… 18 million.

You can read more about the new RNID figure HERE

So why has the figure has been updated?

Reflecting Real World Hearing Loss and Deafness

To start with, it’s important to say that 6 million more people haven’t suddenly developed hearing loss. These individuals have always been here.

What has happened, and why the RNID has changed it’s figures, is that a new paper has been published by two leading hearing scientists, Prof. Michael Akeroyd from the University of Nottingham and Prof. Kevin Munro, NIHR Senior Investigator at the University of Manchester, in the International Journal of Audiology. The two scientists have re-evaluated existing prevalence data and introduced new methods to calculate the overall number of people with hearing loss.

How the RNID Now Calculates the Number of People with Hearing Loss

So, what’s different about this new calculation? Firstly, it uses population data from the 2021-22 census instead of the 2011 census. Secondly, it includes people with milder levels of hearing loss and finally, it also counts those with hearing loss in just one ear, who were previously excluded.

By including individuals with any degree of hearing loss, whether in one ear or both, the RNID now believes that it is accurately reflecting the true number of adults with hearing loss in the UK.

A Concerning Rise in Hearing Loss

This new statistic, significantly higher than earlier estimates  presents a concerning but, not entirely surprising figure.

There’s Hope. Solutions for Hearing Loss

Without spending time in this article talking about the ways in which we can protect our hearing, for those who are already experiencing hearing difficulty our most important message is that they must seek advice swiftly. Dealing with the issues around hearing loss early can make a huge difference to the quality of life and the effectiveness of any intervention.

At Hearing Healthcare Practice, our team of experienced audiologists offers comprehensive hearing assessments to identify the extent and nature your hearing loss. Following the assessment, we can provide personalised solutions tailored to your specific needs. These solutions can range from the latest, discreet hearing aids to effective tinnitus management strategies. With the right treatment, our clients can regain control of their hearing and reconnect with the world around you.

Early Intervention is Key

So, if you suspect you might have hearing loss, we urge you to contact us and schedule an appointment (although please not all 18,000,000 at once…). The new RNID figure is a wake-up call, highlighting the importance of early detection and treatment of hearing loss.