“A Truly Wonderful Experience”

Latest News

Here you’ll find all our latest news and thoughts. From interesting articles we’ve found in the press to news about our people, work and the latest technological innovations we’re seeing. If you’d like more information regarding any of the topics here, please get in touch.

October 5, 2018

Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline – New Conclusions

A meta-analysis of cohort studies (Wei et al., 2017), suggests that the link between hearing loss and age-related cognitive decline is not due to a shared, common neurodegenerative process. Because hearing loss typically precedes cognitive decline, the authors suggest the following ways that a decline in hearing ability might cause a decline in cognition: • “Auditory deprivation may cause decreased...

October 2, 2018

The Stages of Hearing Loss – a Personal Experience.

We recently featured an article written by a friend of the Hearing Healthcare Practice. We’re now proud to feature a new piece, written by another or our valued friends, Sylvia Irvine-Robertson. We’ve shared a journey of highs and lows over the years with Sylvia. Now she is sharing her experience with others and working as a volunteer with the charity,...

September 17, 2018

To Wear or not to Wear?

Not sure if you need help with your hearing? Read on. One of our clients, and a good friend of the Practice, is Gordon Paterson. We’ve worked with Gordon over many years, he’s been very supportive of our work and has acted as an ambassador for our holistic approach on several occasions. You can see him speak about his experiences...

September 6, 2018


Noise: a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. Pollution: the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects. One in four adults shows signs of noise-induced hearing loss, and hearing loss is America’s third most comment chronic health condition, just after diabetes and cancer. Here’s a useful...

Newsround Hearing August 22, 2018

The Wisdom of Children 2

Looking through our blogs from the past year we re-discovered this wonderful BBC Newsround video featuring a group of children with hearing loss  As you’ll see, it’s great advice and true for anyone whose hearing has shifted. If you haven’t watched it already, please take a few minutes to watch and always remember that conversations are 2-way! If you click the link below you...

August 14, 2018

Ear Scanning – Now Here

Ear scanning is here… Henry Ford’s Model T,  Apple’s iPhone, Laszlo’s Biro. All innovative products that have changed the world. Not on the same scale, perhaps, but the audiology world has just changed hugely for the better with the introduction of an amazing new device which improves the patient experience. Here, at the Hearing Healthcare Practice in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, we are proud...

August 1, 2018

3D Ear Scanning – a UK First

Science meets art. Our new 3D ear scanner will be installed in a couple of week’s time and for the first time we’ll be able to use a series of hi resolution lasers to scan the contours of an ear into a 3D computer image. All in front of your eyes. This will allow us to email the image to...

July 30, 2018

Picture This

Our ears are truly remarkable. How we hear, the transformation of energy into nerve impulses delivered to the brain for analysis, interpretation and response, amazes us everyday. But sometimes the true beauty of the structures can stop us in our tracks. New scanning methods, hi resolution cameras and the vision of a medical professional can turn something we take for...

Hearing Healthcare Practice July 26, 2018

In the Press – About the Hearing Healthcare Practice

‘Award Winning Hearing Healthcare in Hertfordshire’. The following article recently appeared in Hertfordshire Life Magazine. If you don’t know Hearing Healthcare Practice, it’s an excellent introduction to our work and what drives us to to offer our unique service: The Hearing Healthcare Practice in Harpenden has a reputation that is truly international. Not only is it the only hearing healthcare...

July 23, 2018

Hearing Loss and Sight Loss – a Comparison and a Suggestion

We’ve been reading this interview with Thomas Behrens, Chief Audiologist at Danish hearing aid manufacturer Oticon about the differences been Hearing Loss and Sight Loss. “In comparison to loss of sight, hearing loss is not always recognisable, which is why having an eye test is standard practice for maintaining eye health, whereas a hearing test can sometimes be dismissed or...