The Best Hearing Aids in Hertfordshire – specifically in Harpenden, Hertfordshire – aren’t actually the tiny pieces of remarkable hearing technology that fit inside your ear… they’re, actually, people. Namely, they’re Robert, Jo and Angie – hearing aid audiologists at Hearing Healthcare Practice who, between them have well over half a century’s experience caring for, and aiding, their patients – from...
New for 2020, Naida is a superpower hearing aid for people who struggle the most with hearing challenges. Phonak Naida will deliver the highest power amplified sound for speech with all the amazing connectivity opportunities we all enjoy. The amazing ‘Roger Select’ table microphone allows users to focus on an individual voice around a table, to separate it from noise...
January 6, 2020Love Music? Are you a musician or fan? In a band? Professional or amateur? Electric or acoustic? Classical, rock, pop or jazz? Whoever you are, your ears are the gateway to experience the pleasure music provides. Don’t abuse your hearing. Take advice and seek out high-quality hearing protection. But BE CAREFUL… In 2020 we are starting a campaign to educate...