Here you’ll find all our latest news and thoughts. From interesting articles we’ve found in the press to news about our people, work and the latest technological innovations we’re seeing. If you’d like more information regarding any of the topics here, please get in touch.
Rett Syndrome is off topic for our blog but a subject that is very close to our heart. Please read the attached story about Lotta Beiny – our senior partner Robert Beiny’s great niece. We are committed to inform everyone we meet about the existence of Rett syndrome. We knew nothing about this devastating condition until it personally affected Robert’s...
January 9, 2013The world’s smallest hearing aid for Britain’s smallest man. Story from Daily Mail.
December 22, 2012It’s hard to know where to start, should it begin with how I knew I was losing my hearing in my late twenties…but could not face dealing with the situation of possibly having to wear a hearing aid, which even the mere thought of made me feel old and different.. No, because instead, I became to life and soul of...
December 11, 2012We are sometimes asked to take on a client who has had hearing aids fitted elsewhere. Many hearing centres turn away members of the public in need if they didn’t supply the hearing aids initially – but that’s not the case at The Hearing Healthcare Practice. News has reached us that a company called Digital Hearing Solutions has closed its...
December 5, 2012When a client goes out of their way to organise a gift for the office staff of our own Hearing Healthcare Practice branded chocolates, we realise we must be doing something right. Thanks Steven, your generosity was an unexpected treat.
December 5, 2012Gilly came back to the practice this week after being convinced by a relative that she should see a local hearing aid company who work from an Opticians occasionally near her London home. Numerous untold visits left her struggling to hear and questioning why she had allowed herself to be taken in by a company who were only interested in...
December 5, 2012Susan emailed: Well, I am a very happy person, Robert!!! I drove up the motorway yesterday and thought I should try out my little gadget that you hooked up for me. I connected it to my mini ipod and spent 2hrs driving north and 3hrs driving south listening to music that filled my head with joy and gratitude. Thank you...
December 5, 2012Andrea emailed us to say On plane … Delayed 3 hours… Just want to thank you for my new hearing aids…. Couldn’t believe they would be even better than the last ones… U are the best….
November 25, 2012The latest binaural VoiceStream technology is a hugely impressive feature. Using the four microphones spread between 2 hearing aids this breakthrough technology provides a detailed analysis of your ‘soundscape’ profiling exactly what each sound is and more importantly where it exists in a 360 degree circle. Once the hearing aids understand where you are, they then identify the presence of...
October 20, 2012Phonak Launched a complete new platform of hearing aids in the UK Friday 19th October. This was the first viewing of this technology anywhere in the world outside of the company HQ in Switzerland. The new products will be available in the UK before any other market. The official launch which will be at the upcoming German Congress this month....