“A Truly Wonderful Experience”

Latest News

Here you’ll find all our latest news and thoughts. From interesting articles we’ve found in the press to news about our people, work and the latest technological innovations we’re seeing. If you’d like more information regarding any of the topics here, please get in touch.

May 13, 2013

Our Journey Starts Here

Day 1: Here is the first view inside our new premises which we plan to transform into the UK’s premier hearing care centre. Our plans have already been greeted with great excitement by our dedicated team. So many clients and patients have said they are looking forward to seeing our new home that we have decided to capture the development...

May 3, 2013

Scientist Create Ear that Hears

(The following appeared written by DEBORAH NETBURN appeared in The LA Times May 2, 2013, 9:49 p.m) Need a new ear? In the future you may be able to print one out and pop it on. Taking us one step closer to a future in which we are all part human, part machine, scientists at Princeton University have created a...

April 30, 2013

We are moving!

We are really excited to announce that we will be relocating shortly to a purpose built brand new practice facility at The Foresters, High Street, Harpenden. We have been planning the new design for some time and work will start very soon to turn our dream into a reality. We have a date pencilled in for our move and hope...

April 22, 2013

Pix of The Flutter Dress: What lies beneath

April 22, 2013

Sound it out

If you have a hearing impairment it might seem you could have only a limited interaction with Machina’s Midi jacket. But that could change. To the uninitiated, the Flutter looks like an ordinary white dress, with feather-like fragments of fabric running up and down. But these embellishments hide a secret. “The network of microphones [listens] for sounds in the environment,...

April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all patients, clients and visitors. Spring has arrived officially along with British Summer Time but we are all still feeling the continuing effects of winter. This week our senior audiologist Robert heads off to Anaheim in California for the annual American Academy of Audiology congress. The reason for the trip is to meet up with colleagues, researchers,...

March 14, 2013

The Knock On Effect of Straining to Listen

The following was written by Dr Mary Stoppard and was published in The Daily Mail (14/3/2013). Does it drive you mad when you’re out for the evening and it’s so noisy you can’t hear a word anyone says? It does me. You spend the whole time trying to convert sounds into words, then words into sense, leaving you ­exhausted after...

March 10, 2013

Fabienne’s Comments

One client, Fabienne from London has been amazed at her new hearing experience sending various email updates. The latest was called Miracle. She said that I have an appointment with you in April but I think that it could not wait till then. We had a dinner party last night, six of us around the table. Not only I could...

March 10, 2013

Jonathan’s Comments

One of our clients, Jonathan Duffy travelled to The Practice, all the way from Qatar in the United Arab Emirates for the Lyric hearing device. He wasn’t suitable so we suggested an alternative custom made, bespoke invisible solution instead. Here are his comments: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for what I can only describe as...

March 2, 2013

Why wouldn’t you wear a hearing aid?

About two-thirds of adults age 70 and older have hearing loss. After age 80, the percent jumps to 79 percent. Recent studies strongly indicate a relationship between hearing loss and declining cognitive function. In fact, in an observational study, baseline hearing loss was associated with 30 to 40 percent greater cognitive decline per year as compared with similar patients without...