“A Truly Wonderful Experience”


May 25, 2022

In her own words

Our clients say the nicest things. We have already posted Kim’s comments about how she now finds her tinnitus less troublesome (there’s a link below). She now, kindly, given us the following testimonial quote: “Discovering Hearing Healthcare Practice has transformed my hearing, and therefore my life. Profoundly. Throughout the process, the team’s care and attention have been exceptional and going forward, I feel very supported and reassured about...

May 23, 2022

Paying it forward

Our client, Chris, sadly passed away during the first wave of Covid back in April 2020. She had been a great friend of our practice since 1999 and her story is truly empowering.  Last week we were invited by Lord McFall, Speaker of the House of Lords, to a special commemorative reception at The Palace of Westminster (where Chris worked)...

May 17, 2022

Music is My First Love 💙

Our client, Kim, has spent her life in music, on stage singing to her adoring fans. But along with the excitement and artistic success have come music-induced hearing disorders, including ringing ears (tinnitus). Live music has long been the source of concern to audiologists as loud on-stage volumes and public address systems can lead to harmful sound level exposure.  The...

May 6, 2022

Communication is Key

How we communicate is essential to our Practice ethos. Because we know that having a positive impact on someone is best achieved by inspiring them and making an emotional connection. Much has of course been written about building relationships: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them...

May 5, 2022

TBT: Throw Back Thursday

A Five Star Review: A Poem For more than 25 years, our client Roy was a regular visitor at our practice, which we all looked forward to as they invariably ended in laughter. He travelled extensively and always took the time to send us a postcard from some exotic distant land. We were always able to help him out as...