“A Truly Wonderful Experience”


January 30, 2018

The Sound of the Underground

As any of you who live in London will know, public transport can be… challenging. It’s noisy too and, as the BBC is now reporting, in some sections of the London Underground the sound advice is to consider wearing hearing protection. To see the whole report, click  the link below: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-42840140/is-tube-travel-damaging-your-hearing If you’d like advice about Hearing Protection (including the...

January 18, 2018

Our recent BBC Interview

Hearing Healthcare Practice’s Director of Audiology, Robert Beiny, was interviewed on BBC Radio last week about hearing loss following musician Eric Clapton’s announcement that he is suffering with reduced hearing and tinnitus. If you click the link below you can hear the interview from 36 minutes, 20 seconds. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05rckbw (If this link has timed out, please contact us for more details.)...

January 11, 2018

Good… but could do better

Here’s a BBC news story regarding hearing loss and underlining the importance of preserving our hearing ability and why this is good for our overall general, physical and mental health. Sadly the article is slightly dismissive of the most important thing which can be done to have a positive effect on hearing ability – using hearing technology. The article reinforces...