“A Truly Wonderful Experience”

Lyric Invisible Hearing

Once in a while a new piece of hearing technology becomes available which breaks with convention and allows us to approach our clients’ needs in a completely different way. Sometimes new products promise more than they deliver but occasionally something truly unique comes along.

And that’s just the case with Lyric™. ear-plug

The Lyric concept was developed in California’s Silicon Valley in the early 2000s and launched in 2008: hearing technology that’s truly 100% invisible, hidden from view, close to the eardrum and requiring no need for the user to put in, take out or handle in any way. And, for the first time ever, no batteries to carry around or change either! We heard about Lyric from a colleague in San Francisco who was involved in early field trials and was raving about the possibilities. After making enquiries we were told that Lyric was only available in California. But we didn’t give up and our persistence finally paid off when our friends at Swiss hearing tech giant Sonova decided to buy the company and approach us as the first centre outside the US to work with their game changing product.

Lyric presented us with an interesting conundrum. As we focus on providing outstanding hearing solutions which overcome our clients’ issues, we have steadfastly ignored cosmetic devices if they impacted on the quality of support we could provide our clients. But Lyric was different and we’re delighted to say that our reservations about invisible hearing aids have, in this one case, been overcome.

We recommended the first Lyric in May 2010 and been involved in developing improvements ever since, including providing practical training programmes for audiologists to learn the new skills required to fit the devices.

There are several steps that needs to be taken to make sure you are a suitable candidate for Lyric but, once you have been cleared, the fitting is really a straight forward process. Lyric is placed in your ear by one of our highly skilled team, just 4mm from the eardrum using a microscope, and left to work its magic for a couple of months before it needs to be replaced.
Lyric is not just revolutionary in its design, it is also the first hearing technology to be provided on an annual subscription – as a result, as it’s continually being improved, you benefit immediately from any advances in technology and can keep up with the latest advances as they happen.

Lyric and Controlling Tinnitus.

Studies are currently underway investigating the therapeutic benefits of using extended wear amplification in reducing the distressing effect of tinnitus. In cases where tinnitus is present with an underlying hearing loss, it has long been known that wearing hearing technology not only allows someone to hear well but often provides relief from their tinnitus too.

Now Lyric presents us with another potential solution for tinnitus sufferers who have trouble sleeping. As Lyric is worn all the time and is left in at night, early study results indicate that people with tinnitus report being able to sleep easier and relax more as they’re less disturbed by their tinnitus.

So what is the cost of our hassle free Lyric Treatment Plan – including all your appointments with one of our qualified Lyric team, all the Lyric instruments for 12 months, ear health monitoring and even micro suction ear clearing if necessary?

From just £150 per month.

To make an appointment, please click here
To find out more about us and our services please call 01582 767218 or email us at [email protected]
To request a brochure please click here | To take our free online hearing test please click here