Yesterday was a special day as we welcomed two clients, Bob and Jude, for appointments. There’s nothing remarkable in that other than they both originally became clients in the same year – 1978 – nearly fifty years ago! Bob and Jude still take comfort in the fact that we are here for them, ready to help when they need us....
February 27, 2025We’ve often written about the loyalty clients have shown to Hearing Healthcare Practice over many years. These long relationships are never underestimated or taken for granted. It means a lot to us when someone takes the time to let us know that what we do really matters. We take great pride in having a different approach were Hearing Healthcare Practice...
Sometimes it’s good simply to share the views of our patients. Derek sent us the following letter (shared with permission) which perfectly explains one patient’s experience of his journey with us. It’s words like this which underpin and inspire everything we do. ” Having suffered with a progressively worsening hearing problem since my late thirties (I am 74 now), I...
At Hearing Healthcare Practice, 70% of our clients come to us as a result of word of mouth recommendation. It’s wonderful, as it not only provides an excellent foundation for new relationships with patients, it’s a testament to the exceptional work of our team. To highlight the power of personal recommendation, last week we welcomed Amanda, a new client who...