
Lulu Hearing Aids July 23, 2024

No need to Shout!

Legendary Scottish singer Lulu is now proudly wearing hearing aids, allowing her to continue performing. In an recent interview, Lulu shared her experience of dealing with ringing ears during her last tour and her decision to get hearing aids and ear protection to keep entertaining fans. “I want to hear every note and every whisper,” Lulu said, emphasising the importance...

Holiday Hearing Tips July 19, 2024

A Word in your Ear for the Summer Holidays

As we mentioned a few posts ago, we’ve been looking through our 12 years of News stories. Twelve years of News isn’t bad when most Blogs last for about 12 days! Anyway, with the sun blazing through our office window, we came upon this timely little post which we thought we’d reshare. Hearing Tips for Summer Travel For those of...

MoD Hearing Protection July 9, 2024

Hearing Protection, the MoD and Compensation

As you will appreciate, at Hearing Healthcare Practice, we’re crucially aware of the importance of hearing protection in an increasingly noisy world – in our everyday lives, and in the work place. A recent BBC news story has now reported a significant development, stressing the growing importance of this issue: The Ministry of Defence (MoD) will now compensate thousands of...

David Cameron Hearing Healthcare Practice July 1, 2024

Being Seen in the Right Places

You know how it is during elections? Whether it’s holding cute babies or high-fiving pop stars, every politician is looking for the best photo opportunities. And so, perhaps, we shouldn’t be surprised that this (un-arranged) photo of current Foreign Secretary and former PM, David Cameron was taken in front of Hearing Healthcare Practice last week. (In the interests of balance...